City Portrait: Avila

City Portrait: Avila

Sheltered by the Sierra Gredos Mountains of Castile-Leon is the stunning World Heritage City of Ávila. Behind its city walls lies a precious set of churches and Renaissance palaces, bearing evidence to the past wealth of the town. Being the birthplace of Saint Teresa...
City Portrait: León

City Portrait: León

The city of León is often overlooked as a Spanish destination, which may add to its appeal for the travellers who do arrive there. Its architecture tells a centuries-long story of rich history, which is topped off with a lively energy and many modern attractions. Wrap...
The Ages of Man in Castilla and Leon

The Ages of Man in Castilla and Leon

The Ages of Man (Las Edades del Hombre) religious foundation was created to promote the sacred art of the Castilla and Leon region of central Spain. Since its birth in 1988, the foundation has organized various important exhibitions highlighting the religious art and...