Alcalá de Henares: A world heritage city

Alcalá de Henares: A world heritage city

Located near Madrid, Alcalá de Henares is known for its architectural beauty, academic legacy, and for being the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes, the author of the classic Spanish novel Don Quixote. What’s more, its monumental heritage, rich with churches, convents...
The sweet treats of Semana Santa

The sweet treats of Semana Santa

Each year during Semana Santa (Easter week), Spain is completely transformed. All day and night, the streets of cities and towns are filled with beating drums, bright masses of flowers, parades of religious sculpture, and an intensely moving atmosphere. It can be hard...
Top 5 Coasts: Costa del Sol

Top 5 Coasts: Costa del Sol

With over 300 days of sun each year and 100 miles of coastline, it’s no wonder that Costa del Sol is considered one of the top beach destinations in Spain. Beyond the beach, the region also has an impressive offer of attractions. Cities like Malaga are packed with...
500th Anniversary:  Magellan and Elcano

500th Anniversary: Magellan and Elcano

2019 marks the fifth centennial of an event that changed our view of the world forever: the first voyage to completely circumnavigate the globe, proving that the Earth is indeed a sphere. This expedition set out from Seville in 1519, and to commemorate the great...